Prawns are given a Japanese twist in this colourful rice salad.
Energy 2637kJ | Fat saturated 1.00g |
Fat Total 6.00g | Carbohydrate sugars 3.00g |
Carbohydrate Total 89.00g | Dietary Fibre 2.00g |
Protein 49.00g | Cholesterol 304.00mg |
Sodium 1121.56mg |
All nutrition values are per serve.
- Step 1
Place rice and 2 cups (500ml) water in a saucepan and bring to the boil. Season with salt and cover with a tight-fitting lid. Reduce heat to very low, cook for 10 minutes or until water has been absorbed. Remove from heat and stand for 5 minutes.
- Step 2
Meanwhile, whisk dressing ingredients in a large bowl and add the remaining salad ingredients. Fluff the rice with a fork, then toss with the salad. Serve warm.
* Available from Asian food shops.
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