Hot crisps! Yum, and with a sprinkle of paprika they're even better.
Energy 994kJ | Fat saturated 1.30g |
Fat Total 10.60g | Carbohydrate sugars g |
Carbohydrate Total 28.10g | Dietary Fibre 3.50g |
Protein 5.10g | Cholesterol mg |
Sodium 981.00mg |
All nutrition values are per serve.
- Step 1
Layer potato between sheets of paper towel to remove excess moisture. Stand for 10 minutes.
- Step 2
Heat oil in a wok or large deep frying pan over medium-high heat. Deep-fry potato, in batches, until golden. Using a slotted spoon, transfer crisps to a tray lined with paper towel. Stand for 15 minutes.
- Step 3
Combine paprika and salt in a large bowl. Add crisps. Toss to coat. Serve.
About this recipe: Oil is hot enough when a cube of bread dropped into the oil sizzles. Cooking the chips twice results in a crisp coating on the outside of the chip and a light, fluffy inside.
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