Soft, creamy polenta is the perfect side dish - it looks elegant, tastes terrific and is ready in just a few minutes.
Energy 1475kJ | Fat saturated 14.00g |
Fat Total 23.00g | Carbohydrate sugars 1.00g |
Carbohydrate Total 28.00g | Dietary Fibre g |
Protein 7.00g | Cholesterol mg |
Sodium 139.06mg |
All nutrition values are per serve.
- Step 1
Bring the water to the boil in a large heavy-based saucepan over high heat. Use a wire balloon whisk to stir the water. Gradually add the polenta in a thin steady stream, whisking constantly until all the polenta is incorporated into the water (whisking ensures the polenta is dispersed through the liquid as quickly as possible). Don't add the polenta too quickly or it will turn lumpy.
- Step 2
Reduce heat to low (cook the polenta over low heat otherwise it will cook too quickly and you will need to add extra water). Simmer, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon, for 10 minutes or until the mixture thickens and the polenta is soft. (To test whether the polenta is soft, spoon a little of the polenta mixture onto a small plate and set aside to cool slightly. Rub a little of the polenta mixture between 2 fingers to see if the grains have softened. If the grains are still firm, continue to cook, stirring constantly, over low heat until the polenta is soft.)
- Step 3
Remove from heat. Add the cream, parmesan and butter, and stir until well combined. Taste and season with salt and pepper. Serve immediately.
Braised skirt steak
The hot polenta may spatter as it cooks, so use a long-handled wooden spoon when stirring to avoid being scalded.
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