Thursday, November 17, 2016

Christmas Sides & Salads

Baby corn and toasted almond salad with wasabi dressing

Grilled polenta wedges

Honey sesame baby carrots

Jewelled rice salad with apricots & almonds

Mediterranean roast vegetables

Peas braised with leek & mint

Garlic roast potatoes

Green papaya salad

Ancient grain salad with avocado and grapefruit

Bean and rocket salad

Carrot and beetroot slaw with fennel dressing

Mexican beef salad

Lamb, beetroot, walnut and bean salad

Honey-soy chicken coleslaw

Chicken, spinach and chickpea salad

Bocconcini, tomato and basil salad

Farfalle with baby capsicum, asparagus and spinach

Chicken, feta and pea risoni salad

Risoni, lamb and fetta salad

Rocket pesto pasta salad

Pea and parsley risoni

Pasta salad with herb dressing

Pancetta pasta salad

Mediterranean chicken pasta salad

Barbecued potato salad

Caramelised onion potato salad

Golden saffron chicken and potato salad

Potato salad with dill mayonnaise

Potato, chorizo & olive salad

Potato, green bean and caper salad with walnut dressing

Roasted kipfler potato salad

Roasted kipfler potato and cherry tomato salad

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