Get into the festive spirit with these chocolate and fruit cake rum balls.
Energy 649kJ | Fat saturated 5.00g |
Fat Total 8.00g | Carbohydrate sugars 13.00g |
Carbohydrate Total 17.00g | Dietary Fibre 1.00g |
Protein 2.00g | Cholesterol 4.00mg |
Sodium 54.34mg |
All nutrition values are per serve.
- Step 1
Crumble fruit cake into a bowl. Add rum and mix well to combine. Add cranberries, chocolate and 1/2 cup coconut. Mix well to combine.
- Step 2
Roll 1 level tablespoon fruit cake mixture into a ball. Toss in remaining coconut. Place onto a baking paper-lined tray. Repeat with remaining fruit cake mixture, tossing half the rum balls in coconut and the remaining rum balls in chocolate sprinkles. Refrigerate the balls for 2 hours or until firm. Serve.
You could use chocolate cake instead of fruit cake. If mixture is sticking to your hands, try using damp hands.
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