Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Fresh pork sausages (lugenega) with parmesan

These pork sausages are traditionally from northern Italy and are usually bought in long lengths which are cut to size before cooking.

Fresh pork sausages (lugenega) with parmesan
  1. Step 1

    Use the boned pork shoulder to make your own mince (see step 1 of related recipe), or alternatively use ready-made mince.

  2. Step 2

    Place mince, parmesan, garlic, salt and pepper in large ceramic, stainless steel or glass bowl. Use hands to mix until evenly combined. Divide mince evenly into four portions and place on a large plate. Cover and place in the fridge until required. Place the casings in a bowl, cover with cold water and set aside for 1 hour.

  3. Step 3

    Use your fingertips to find the opening at one end of a casing and run cold water all the way through, cutting where holes occur. Repeat with remaining casings. Place a medium (about 1.3cm diameter) round plastic piping nozzle into a clean piping bag. Open one end of a casing and gently slide it over the end of the nozzle. Hold the trailing portion of casing in one hand and use the thumb and forefinger of your other hand to gently push all the casing on to the nozzle, leaving about 5cm loose at the end.

  4. Step 4

    Place a wire rack over a baking tray. Place about half of a portion of the mince mixture into piping bag. Twist the top of the piping bag. Hold the piping bag in one hand and use the other hand to hold the casing on the nozzle. Gently squeeze the piping bag to fill about 2-3cm of the casing with the mince mixture. Carefully push any air out of the casing and tie a knot in the end below the filling. Continue filling the casing with mixture in piping bag, slowly releasing the casing. Refill the bag with the remaining half portion of mixture to finish filling the casing.

  5. Step 5

    Gently ease any remaining casing off the nozzle. Use your fingers to gently even out the filling, so the sausage is an even thickness. Push any air out of the end of the casing and tie a knot. Lay the sausage flat and use a small pin to prick any air bubbles and gently press out the air. Place in the fridge. Repeat with remaining casings and mince mixture.

  6. Step 6

    Start at one end of a sausage and twist at 18cm intervals into links. Repeat with remaining sausages. Place on wire rack and place in the fridge, uncovered, overnight, to allow the skins to dry out. They are then ready to cook. Store in the fridge or freezer (see instructions on left).

Basic beef sausages

Basic beef sausages

In winter, these sausages are traditionally cooked in a tomato-based sauce and accompanied by soft polenta. They can also be grilled, fried or braised. Serve with peeled roast tomatoes, and drained canned butterbeans tossed with chopped fresh continental parsley, oregano, and olive oil that has been heated with a little garlic.


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