Every one will love their own individual side dish of creamy, cheesy vegetables.
Energy 1157kJ | Fat saturated 9.00g |
Fat Total 16.00g | Carbohydrate sugars 9.00g |
Carbohydrate Total 15.00g | Dietary Fibre g |
Protein 17.00g | Cholesterol mg |
Sodium 327.58mg |
All nutrition values are per serve.
- Step 1
Place carrots in a shallow microwave-safe dish. Add 2 to 3 tablespoons cold water. Cover and microwave on high (100%) for 4 to 5 minutes or until tender. Remove to a bowl. Place broccoli and cauliflower in the dish. Add a little more water, if necessary. Cover and microwave on high (100%) for 3 to 4 minutes or until tender. Drain well.
- Step 2
Preheat oven to 200°C. Divide vegetables between four 1 1/2 cup capacity (375ml) ovenproof dishes. Set aside.
- Step 3
Melt spread in a small saucepan over medium heat. Remove pan from heat. Stir in flour. Return to medium heat. Cook, stirring, for 1 to 2 minutes or until mixture forms bubbles. Remove from heat. Slowly add milk, whisking constantly with a balloon whisk until smooth. Return to heat. Cook, stirring, for 1 to 2 minutes or until sauce comes to the boil and thickens. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 2 minutes or until thickened. Stir in half the cheese.
- Step 4
Spoon sauce over vegetables. Sprinkle with remaining cheese. Place dishes on a tray. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes or until cheese melts and is golden. Set aside for 5 minutes to cool slightly. Serve.
Serve with steamed baby potatoes and chargrilled chicken, steak or lamb.
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