Honey and nuts add sweetness and crunch to roast pumpkin.
Energy 1687kJ | Fat saturated 11.00g |
Fat Total 27.00g | Carbohydrate sugars 22.00g |
Carbohydrate Total 32.00g | Dietary Fibre g |
Protein 6.00g | Cholesterol mg |
Sodium 200.33mg |
All nutrition values are per serve.
- Step 1
Preheat oven to 180ºc.
- Step 2
Place pumpkin in a non-stick baking dish. Spray with olive oil spray. Season with salt and pepper. Bake for 35 minutes or until pumpkin starts to soften.
- Step 3
Use a wooden spoon to beat butter, at room temperature; honey; and deluxe nut assortment, chopped, in a bowl until combined. Spoon over the pumpkin.
- Step 4
Bake for 15 minutes or until pumpkin is tender and nuts are golden.
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