Monday, October 31, 2016

Chocolate & banoffee whoopie pies

“Everyone’s mad for whoopie pies in the States, and they’re catching on here too. They’re sort of the perfect little sweet sandwich. I’ve gone for a classic combo here but you can be as inventive as you like. ”
  • 2 heaped tablespoons cocoa powder , plus extra for dusting
  • 350 g self-raising flour
  • 175 g sugar
  • 200 ml milk
  • 100 ml nut or rapeseed oil
  • 1 large free-range egg
  • 240 g dulce de leche
  • 3 bananas
  • icing sugar , for dusting
  • Method

    1. Preheat the oven to 170ºC/325ºF/gas 3 and line 2 baking sheets with greaseproof paper.
    2. Combine the cocoa powder with a little warm water to form a paste, then add to a bowl with the remaining whoopie ingredients. Mix into a smooth, slightly stiff batter.
    3. Spoon equal-sized blobs, 2cm apart, onto the baking sheets, then place in the hot oven for 8 minutes, or until risen and cooked through.
    4. Cool for a couple of minutes on the sheets, then move to a wire rack to cool completely.
    5. Once the whoopies are cool, spread ½ a teaspoon of dulce de leche on the flat sides.
    6. Peel and slice the bananas, then top half the pies with 2 slices of the banana.
    7. Sandwich together with the remaining halves, and dust with icing sugar and cocoa powder.


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