Monday, December 15, 2014

Roasted Cranberry-Orange Relish

Roasted Cranberry-Orange Relish

Roasting on a Traeger intensifies the flavor of cranberries. This jewel-like relish can be made up to three days ahead, and is delicious on turkey sandwiches. Feel free to substitute port for the orange liqueur.


  • 1 pound fresh cranberries, washed and sorted
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 orange
  • 1 tablespoon Grand Marnier, Triple Sec, or other orange-flavored liqueur
  • 1/4 cup chopped, toasted walnuts or pecans (optional)


1. In a mixing bowl, combine the cranberries and sugar. Cut the orange in half. Using a zester or Microplane, remove the thin outer rind of one orange half. Add the rind to the cranberries. Then juice both orange halves, reserving the juice.

2. Line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper or aluminum foil. Dump the cranberries onto the baking sheet. Wash out the mixing bowl.

3. When ready to cook, start the Traeger grill on Smoke with the lid open until the fire is established (4 to 5 minutes). Set the temperature to 350 degrees F and preheat, lid closed, for 10 to 15 minutes.

4. Arrange the baking sheet in the center of the grill grate. Roast the cranberries, stirring occasionally, until they begin to pop and collapse, about 20 minutes. (Be careful not to burn the sugared cranberries, or they will be bitter.)

5. Return the cranberries to the mixing bowl and let cool slightly. Stir in 1 to 2 tablespoons of orange juice and the Grand Marnier. (Reserve the remaining orange juice for another use.) Spoon the relish into an attractive bowl. Cover and refrigerate until serving time. Just before serving, top the relish with the chopped nuts, if desired.

post from sitemap


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